What Is Dirty Electricity?


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What Is Dirty Electricity?

What Is Dirty Electricity?

The term 'dirty electricity' refers to electrical radiation that can occur when the house's electrical lines and power contain frequencies other than standard (60 Hz in the United States). A more scientific term to indicate this phenomenon is high-frequency voltage transients (HFVT). It is also often referred to as EMF or electromagnetic pollution. Dirty electricity occurs as a result of voltage spikes and variations of frequency. It is considered a component of electromagnetic pollution, or EMF. In the modern city environment, people are exposed to electromagnetic pollution million times more frequently than their ancestors. Dirty electricity may contribute to adverse effects on one's health and well-being, which is why it is necessary to control one's exposure to it.

Sources of HFMT

The disturbance in electricity frequencies that creates dirty electricity may come from various sources. These include wireless technology, such as WiFi, fluorescent lighting, LED light bulbs,vehicle motors, power lines, electrical devices inside houses with an SMPS, smart metering networks, AC magnetic fields, and AC electric fields. The frequencies can increase if the power lines within your house are not functioning properly. 

Dirty Electricity Health Effects

Dirty electricity is said to cause a range of disturbing health effects. These include repeatable headaches, concentration issues, memory problems, irritation, sleep issues, loss of libido, fatigue, and mood swings. Dirty electricity studies indicate a link between electromagnetic pollution and the increased risk of cancer. The removal of dirty electricity pollution contributes to the improvement of overall well-being and the reduction of symptoms of several illnesses, including respiratory diseases, multiple sclerosis, and asthma. However, there is no consistency in studies on the health effects of dirty electricity because of methodological issues and other factors that prevent the valid data assessment. There are some gaps in knowledge that call for extra research. 

Despite the lack of consistency, it could be concluded that HFVT is generally not safe for one's health and can lead to adverse health effects. Therefore, it is desirable to limit the impact of dirty electricity on one's body. 

Some people (approximately 3–35% percent of the population) may have a higher electromagnetic sensitivity than others. The common frequency of symptoms such as fibromyalgia, nausea, headaches, body pain, skin dryness, issues with memory loss, and other disturbances of general well-being may indicate that a person is susceptible to the impact of dirty electricity more than other people.

Reducing The Effects Of Dirty Electricity

Impacts of HFVT on one's body can be unpredictable, but leading a generally healthy lifestyle and eating a diet high in antioxidants can relieve some of the oxidative stress linked to electromagnetic pollution.

One way to reduce the impact of dirty electricity on one's body is to control the electronic devices in one's home by using them more smartly. For one, it is useful to turn off electronic appliances after using them and keep your phone on airplane mode when you sleep. When it comes to big appliances that run overnight, such as the fridge, the best strategy is to sleep in another room. Hardwire internet connections usually generate less electromagnetic pollution than WiFi; however, you should turn it off overnight if you must use the latter. It is also useful to keep electronic devices away from your body. Do not sleep near your laptop and other devices, and use headphones when talking on the phone. It is possible to check your wiring for the signs of frequency disturbance and eliminate them.

Simple maintenance of the impact that devices have on our bodies is not the only way of dealing with possible health effects. One thing that can help is installing filters, such as Greenwave. Whole-house filters are sometimes reported to be more effective in reducing pollution. 

There is also some evidence that negative ion generators neutralize the impact of EMF pollution. Aside from generators, other sources of negative ions are salt lamps and moving waters. Finally, the quality of your wiring has an impact on electric interference. To eliminate the probability of dirty electricity occurrence, one should use a high-quality, shielded, insulated cable, such as a Belden VFD Cable. You can increase the quality of your wiring by purchasing high-quality cables from Nassau National Cable.

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