Solar Power - Energy of the Future


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Solar Energy

Solar Power - Energy of the Future


We are currently in the midst of summer in the Northern hemisphere, which means that sunlight is abundant. This serves as a wonderful opportunity to speak about solar energy, which is currently considered the best renewable energy source because it is the most readily available everywhere on Earth that also happens to be the cleanest. Yes, solar power is cleaner than other alternative energy sources, such as biomass, wind, and hydropower because solar panels do not cause any harmful gas emission when operating. When it comes to breaking the circle of our reliance on fossil fuels and tackling global warming, solar energy might be our best tool yet. Today, we will talk about the basics of solar energy: what it is, how it is converted to electricity, the advantages of solar energy, and the attributes of the basic solar power system.

What is Solar Energy Exactly?

Solar energy is the power from the light produced by the sun converted into electrical energy with the help of technology. When converted, it produces electricity, serves as a source of light in the building, or brings the water to boil. 

How Solar Energy Is Transformed Into Electricity 

Solar electricity can be generated using several technologies. The most common one is PV, or a photovoltaic solar panel. When the light reaches the panel during the day when the sun is out, it comes into a reaction with the solar silicon cells located in each panel. The cell is energized, and the loose electrons create a motion that translates into electrical current. With a photovoltaic panel, the light is directly turned into electricity—an inverter then converts the DC electricity into AC electricity that is ready to power your house.

Solar power plants, or concentrating solar power plants, are yet another technology that indirectly creates solar electricity on a larger scale than a solar panel. The thermal collectors in the power plants create the heat that steams the water in the power generator. Every power plant uses different specific technologies, including parabolic trough systems, power tower systems, and dish engines. 

There are also specific solar power technologies that are used exclusively to heat the water with solar energy. These technologies are called solar heating & cooling (SHC) technologies. They are to heat water, cool and heat buildings, and maintain the pools.

Why Choose Solar Power?

  • Compared to conventional energy sources, solar power is advantageous for the planet because it does not emit harmful gases after installation and causes no pollution.
  • Solar power serves as an alternative to fossil fuels and can reduce our dependence on traditional energy sources.
  • Solar renewable energy is abundant. Currently, the amount of solar energy available is 10000 times more than is needed by humanity. If we could sufficiently use only 0.02% of the sunlight that reaches the planet, there would be no need for fossil fuels whatsoever.
  • Solar panels can last for approximately 30 or even 40 years without additional maintenance.
  • With a solar panel, your house becomes self-reliant, and the electricity charges are reduced because solar energy is free of charge.
  • While the initial installation of the panel is quite expensive, there is a way around it. There is a mechanism in the United States and several other countries that allow individual users to sell extra solar energy back to the solar power companies. This is not only financially plausible for individuals but also great for the environment because no excessive renewable energy is wasted, and it is put to use by the company.
  • Solar electricity is safer than your usual electrical current, meaning that there will be fewer electrical fires and electrocution incidents once solar power becomes more dominant in the world.
  • While the initial cost of installing solar power can seem hard on an individual's wallet, there are federal aid programs in the United States, like the federal residential solar energy credit, that allow for easing the burden of initial spendings on solar power installation.
  • Solar energy creates thousands of brand jobs across the country. Federal programs like Solar Ready Vets, The Solar Training Network, and A Women in Solar program allow Americans to gain knowledge of the industry for free and provide access to a large pool of jobs.

Basic Solar Power System 

Depending on the type of solar power system and its complexity, there could be many components. However, a very basic solar system almost certainly has four main components:

  • A Solar Photovoltaic PV panel
  • A charge controller
  • Two golf cart batteries rated 6 volts
  • A battery charger

It is recommended for a solar panel to be installed by your solar panel provider; however, if you have basic technical skills, some providers may let you go through solar power installation yourself under their supervision.

  Let's talk about every element of the basic solar panel system in more detail. A solar panel is a collection of photovoltaic cells that convert the sun's energy into power. A charge controller is used to regulate the amperage and voltage of the power that goes into the battery. It protects the batteries and makes them last much longer. Solar panels need batteries because they help to store excessive energy instead of returning it to the grid. The battery helps you use the stored solar energy for powering your house at night when the energy is not being generated. Finally, an inverter is used to transform the minimum-voltage DC power into a standard AC power (120 volts in the United States) that powers our homes.

The things that we talk about in this blog are the 101 of solar power. In our next installments on this topic, we plan to cover the components of the solar system, photovoltaic cables, and the factors to consider when installing a solar panel. Stay tuned for more information about solar energy in the upcoming weeks.

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